Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A good day

Wow, I have so much to write about I really don't know where to start.  I think I will save my more quirky observations for next time and just tell you about my day.  And it was a good day relatively speaking.  Read on, I will explain.

Actually, I should have titled it a really good day.  I started off meeting Paula in the hospital lounge.  It seemed a bit odd meeting in the lounge, but in hindsight I have to say it was great.  It was really nice to talk about what is up coming in an informal environment.  I had also psyched myself up to talk about the less than perfect day I had the day before, but it was unnecessary.  Paula mentioned it first, and the elephant in the room had vanished.  From there we we free to talk about everything and anything stem cell related.

My next appointment was with the blood centre for a vein check.  In all honesty I have to say that it was probably unnecessary although appreciated.  I thought that they would check my veins for access or something, but no.  It was just a meet and greet and a quick tour of the facility but very welcome.  In a previous post I said that it would be great if you could a tour of a facility pre surgery and this is exactly what this was.  Next time I go back I will know exactly where I am going and what is happening.  It was very well appreciated and will make my next trip there much, much easier.

My last appointment was why I had a good day relatively speaking.  Please don't get me wrong, the staff were fantastic, everything was punctual and everything was done to make me feel as comfortable as possible.  But nerve conduction studies suck.  My fellow CIDP readers would understand.  And this was the most thorough exam I had ever had.  I was there for over an hour getting electrocuted but it was necessary and when that is the case you just have to put up with it.

However, the best part of the day was still to come but I am going to keep you in suspense and tell you about that next time because I'm tired and I want to go to bed.  Until next time, stay well:)


  1. Glad to hear things got better. Don't keep us in suspense too long. MaryB

  2. Good stuff, mate. Keep it coming.

  3. waiting with baited breath! Carry on mate...
    Wendy :)
