Friday, February 3, 2012

Final Preps

I really feel now as though everything now is final.  I have had so many trips to see my GP in the last couple of months I have lost count.  I almost think he could retire on the amount of money I have sent his way.  But today was probably the last time I will see him until I get back from Chicago.

And just to stay true to form I stretched his mental prowess to the limit.  I went to get all my medications for my trip away, which sounds simple enough, but it isn't.  Firstly, I needed to get authority scripts for all my current medications, and we had to work out the right amount to take.

The fun part was all the drugs that had been requested from the doctors in Chicago.  You see, many of them have different names and not all the drugs are available in the same preparation that they are available in over here.  We managed to get the anti-fungal, the antibiotic and the anti-nausea all figured out, but the stumbling block was a drug called Norco.  Norco is an analgesic medication that is unavailable in Australia, so we had to go for the next best option, which was Endone.

Once we had figured all this out, we had to write a letter to all and sundry explaining all the medication and why I had it with me.  Apparently the airport security is the only place in America where it is impossible to get any form of customer service.  So not only am I not American, but I have a medical device implanted and I am carrying analgesic medication.  Fingers crossed that I am not strip searched and interrogated by the CIA.

I also had a small victory yesterday.  It was time for my six month dental check.  On my way there I remembered that I had to see a dentist in Chicago so I thought 'what the heck' and got Dr Jim to write a letter stating my exam day and that my teeth were in good condition.  I then e-Mailed Paula to ask whether this would suffice for my dental exam and whether I would need one in Chicago?  The answer was good!  This saves me money, and the more I save the better.

Lastly, I got news from Chicago that my payment had been received.  I now have all my ducks in a row for when I get there.  I have one more doctors appointment and one more treatment and then all that is left is to pack and get there.  On another note, I have always said that hospitals and medicine are not there to be the pinnacle of our lives.  Live is for living, not being sick and getting better so tonight I'm taking my son to the MCG to watch the international 20twenty match between Australia and India.  We are both very excited.  Come on Aussie!  Stay well:)


  1. Andrew - this is Linda M, I went through the sct last summer. Just want to tell you how excited I am for you. Also, I'm adding you to a closed fb page called "Roof Toppers" as I know of 2 other individuals that will be at least some of the time you will be here at least some of the time. It was started by my daughter when we were here as we connected with others in Chicago for sct. Also, even though I will be back in Houston, don't hesitate to contact me for anything!

  2. Good luck Andrew. I'm following your progress as I have a son with cidp. We are looking into optional treatments and think stem cells show much promise.
