Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Resolution

Well tis come that time of year again when we think about what fool hardy ridiculous idea we come up with for a New Years Resolution.  And being a fool hardy brainless person I have decided to do just that. So here are my list of suggestions:-

  1. Lose weight- Yeah like that's ever going to happen.  Anyone that has ever taken long term prednisolone will know what I'm talking about.
  2. Exercise more- For someone who has a peripheral nerve problem, I exercise plenty thank you.  Next!
  3. Stop drinking coke- No way!  You've gotta have at least one vice in your life and that is mine.  With a heavy year coming up (SCT and all) I'm going to need all my creature comforts.
  4. Give up smoking- Seeing as I don't smoke this one may be a little too easy.
  5. Have an AFJ (alcohol free January)-  Now that's just silly.
  6. If I can't lose weight at least get in shape-  I am in shape.  Round is a shape.  If you don't believe me ask a five year old.
  7. Do something dangerous-  Does SCT count as dangerous?
  8. Learn a foreign language-  I hated languages at school so no.  Besides I will be in Chicago for three months so I'll probably learn to speak American while there.
But I think the winner would have to be for me to go back to school and train to become a surgeon.  I mean how hard can it be?  I've watched Grey's Anatomy.  Scrub hands, cut here, sew there, perform carnal sins in a store room and job done.  I've even picked up this required reading for Dodgy Bros Medical School:-

Ok.  If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm joking.  Seriously, I think that my new years resolution will be to make sure I drink at least three litres of water a day to help battle the old kidney stones and seeing as though I have had such amazing feed back on my blog (and I enjoy writing it) to keep posting regularly.  

Well, this will be my last post for 2011, so I hope you have a very happy new year and a healthy and rewarding 2012.  Stay well:)

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