Monday, November 28, 2011

That hurt

I am getting worried about one thing.  I am falling over more and more.  I am averaging 1 to 2 falls a week at the moment, and luckily I have not hurt myself too badly yet, but last night came close.

As I do most nights, I woke up to the calling of natures alarm clock, so I got out of bed and gingerly shuffled my way to the bathroom.  Given my cocktail of neurological conditions, urination at that time of night for me is a strictly sitting down affair, so I turned to sit down.  As I turned my foot got stuck and over I went, falling neatly into the gap between the wall and the toilet.

What hurt most was I landed on the toilet roll holder, and it dug into my back just below my shoulder.  So there I was lying on the floor, no way to get up with my pants around my ankles.  Luckily, my wife came to my assistance to view me in this most embarrassing and compromising of positions.  She didn't laugh, but I'm sure once she found out I was ok (well for the most part) she wanted to.

What annoys me is that with all the research I've done on my nerve problem I know that there is a treatment out there that has the potential to improve my condition, and my doctors here in Australia are dragging there feet on nominating me for the treatment because it is dangerous.  Well, isn't living like this also dangerous?

I feel like a ticking time bomb at the moment.  So far I've been lucky to evade a serious injury, but I think it is only a matter of time before I break an arm or leg or worse.  So doctors, do I risk doing something dangerous for a potential reward that is almost immeasurable, or do I risk living my life dangerously for no reward?  I for one have made up my mind.

Oh yeah, you might be wondering what I got my foot stuck on.  Well, nothing.  My foot simply wouldn't move.  I am finding that every day I have to be more careful and vigilant to avoid accidents.  Tick, tick, tick.  Until next time, stay well:)

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