Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stimulated and Turned On! Part 3

Emotion that I have not shared with any of you so far are worry and a little frustration. They are not positive, but they are there and need to be confronted. When Dr Peppard first turned on the stimulator. At first I was relieved that there was a benefit and that I no longer had to deal with the problem of my tremor. However, there were also side effects, the worst one of which is a lack of co-ordination.

It is hard explain, but some things are easier but others are harder. For example, drinking a glass of water or something like that is easier, but walking is harder. I cannot walk in straight lines easily, and I find it hard to sometimes avoid obstacles such as furniture or toys that the kids have left on the floor. Even a doorway can be miscalculated and hit with my shoulder or something. However, when I turn it off the side effect goes away.

So, from my point of view there are two things I to work out, and both of them will take time. First, with assistance from Dr Peppard I need to find the very best settings for my stimulator and also get used to it. Secondly, I need to learn which setting to chose for my stimulator depending on the task I am doing or the situation I am in. When I start to figure these out I will let you know.Until next time, stay well:)

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