Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have now had my stimulator turned on for ten days, and although the hardest part is behind me there is still a long way to go. So far I have had one adjustment setting for my stimulator but there could be many more before I get the right one. This is actually good news for me as I hope to receive more benefit from the stimulator than what I am currently getting.

The big question that I have been asking myself this last couple of days is has it all been worth it. If you look at the video I posted (If you haven't, see 'First time my stimulator is switched on') you see a marked difference. But has it really improved my functionality or is the video nothing more than a really cool party trick?

In my next post I will identify a few areas where tremor is a big problem, and then critique how much help it has given me, but for now I think it is safe to say that it has been worth it and there has been benefit.

However, there is one thing I have found quite confusing. Before the surgery I thought back along the progression of my disease from the first symptoms I had as a teenager through to when it became problematic in my mid 20's and my diagnosis, to present. I expected the stimulator settings to simply show a reverse progression of the disease, stopping at a point somewhere along this timeline, but this has not been the case.

Instead what I have noticed is that the frequency of the tremor has diminished the wave length has increased. So instead of ten normal shakes I have one big shake. That is not as bad as it sounds. If I slow things down I can avoid the shake but sometimes that can be hard when you're in a hurry. Anyway, next time I'll critique it in detail, until then, stay well:)

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