Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ouch, it hurts!

I must apologise, it has been a while since my last post. But I do have an excuse, my hands have been killing me.

This has been a real problem at night when I wake up and they just hurt. The only way to stop it is to get up and move around and after about ten minutes it goes away. Any sort of pain relief is quite ineffective.

Secondly, it has been a problem when I try to do something. If I turn my hand over I get a snapping, shooting pain down my wrist and into my hand, which is why I have been avoiding blogging for a while.

Unfortunately for people like me, it is a statistical fact that if you have one serious medical complaint you are more likely to have a second, which is why it is so important to stay healthy (but that is another blog).

It also begs the question 'what am I doing about it?' Since pain meds won't work, I have simply tried to minimise my activity to compensate. I have also been wearing wrist braces at night to stop the night pains. So far, it has worked and I have felt better the last couple of days, but I see the neurologist on Thursday, so I will discuss it with him then.

I don't think it is anything to do with the DBS, but I do think it is a nerve thing, so the neurologist should be able to help. I'll keep you posted. Until then, stay well:)

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