Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hospitals - done and dusted - Part 3

If hospitalisation is in you near future you are probably wondering where you can get all the information you require. Well, there are number sources where you can look.

Internet - Unfortunately for Australians there is not many sites where you can go and find ratings and reviews of hospitals. www.ourhealthservice.com.au gives details of many hospitals, but certainly does not tell you what the hospital is like. The reviews which it is counting on are sadly lacking.

Another site which is aimed at the US but allows for international hospital reviews is www.healthcarereviews.com. However, a lack of reviews make it hard to make a good evaluation. So is there a point visiting these sites. YES. Visit them and leave a review. Once enough people have visited and left a review, the site will become extremely handy.

The last site will draw your attention to is www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov. This site is only for the US, but it compares hospitals using quantitative data collected and gives the patient valuable information when looking to select a hospital. Australia could really use something like this.

So, where else could you look for information on the web? Most hospitals have a website these days, so it is never bad to look at these to get some information. Just bear in mind that the website is used to paint the hospital in its best possible light, so be ware, but some good information can come of it.

Next time I'll tell where else to get information about hospitals. Until then, stay well:)

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