Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sydney Adventist Hospital - part 2

OK, if you are going to hospital for an operation you expect an operation right? Wrong! Not at the SAH. I got there at 7.00 am to dutifully and patiently await my surgery. At 10.30 am I was processed through day surgery like a sheep going for vaccination. They had no day surgery bays left so I was stuck in a converted broom closet where the TV was yet to be connected.

Here I waited patiently, like a good patient. At 1.00 pm, for lack of a call button, I started to roam the corridors of day surgery to find an answer. Here I was greeted with the questions "Why are you out of bed?" and "Why did you not press your call button?" Well, nobody had come to see me, my surgeons list had finished half an hour ago and I don't have a call button, but sorry for thinking you might actually like to look after your patients.

I got told an answer that my surgeon was running late and just to wait patiently. So I did. Until at 3.00 pm I saw my surgeon who was supposed to be in the OR. I called to him and he asked me what I was still doing here? Apparently my surgery had been cancelled due to a complication upstairs with another patient and my operating room time was pushed.

Yeah right. If my surgeons OR time was pushed why was he still there at three o'clock? And how can a hospital with twelve OR's not find room for a surgeon with a regular morning list. Sorry SAH, I don't buy it. SO my surgery was cancelled and I hadn't eaten for over 18 hours and all they could manage was a cheap sorry, a poorly prepared selection of sandwiches, a juice box and they couldn't even pay for my trip home.

Eventually, I had my op and the hospital luckily didn't kill me. But it was a miserable, de-humanising experience. I didn't get to go to the ward until after my surgery, so I had no idea of where I was, the place was dull and grey, the food was lousy and the nurses were rude and either inexperienced or slouches. A sure 0/10.

Next time a much better experience at North Shore Private. Until then, stay well:)

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