Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Yes, it is time to focus.  Alas, the holiday is over and I have left not so sunny Queensland for sunny Victoria, (Yes you did hear right) and I really have to focus on what needs to be done.  After all, it is not just a two day romantic getaway or a boys golf weekend.  It is two months in the USA where I am probably going to endure the toughest medical procedure I have ever had.  And I've had some doozies!

Right now, I have many things running through my mind  so I think that I have to methodically go through everything and write myself a checklist.  When I do that I normally find that there actually is not as much to do as I thought.  So why not?  I'll do the first draft now right here.

1. What to bring?  A while ago I wrote a post about what I think one should take when confronted with a stay in hospital.  That post is here.  This I would say will be much more detailed.  I will blog about this once the list is close to its final formulation.

2. Visa.  My travel agent tells me that as my trip is under 99 days I don't need a visa for the USA, but I want to find out for sure anyway.

3. Home Affairs.  I am going away for more than two months.  I want to make sure the kids are ok and things are going to run smoothly.  It starts tomorrow when I take the car in for a service.

4. Work.  Things have been going great at work for the last year and a half.  I have no reason to believe that will change, but I still have to dot the i's etc...

3. Travel and Hotel arrangements.  My travel has been organised, but I have to organise it for my wife for when she comes out.  We have a time line for her now.  It would be nice to have her there for the whole time, but it is important to have one of us in Australia for the kids.  I think we are stretching it already and I think most parents would agree that the kids come first, but the fact I will have company will be great.

4. Intragam.  I still have 2 IVIG before I leave.

5. Doctors Visits.  I have to see my GP and one specialist before I go in order to get it all organised to go.

6. Continue blogging.  Yes, writing this blog for me has many benefits, one of which is keeping me focused and organised.  I get to sit down everyday, collect my thoughts and process them.  It is very good for me.

Well, that's all for now, my posting should be a little more regular from now on.  Until next time, stay well:)


  1. I'm with you on this, Andy. Seems like so many little things to deal with. I am shipping a box of clothes, toiletries, whatevers to the hotel before i get there so i don't have to lug it on the airplane. I wonder if that would be something you could do too? Call Mike first and let him know if you decide to ship to Seneca and not carry with you.
    I am doing doctor/dentist stuff here before I go, girly doctor stuff, but more importantly teeth repair. I figure it'll be less expensive here than in Chicago. Are your teeth in good repair? That is something they check before transplant.
    I figure if we compare notes, neither of us will forget something important!
    See ya soon,
    Wendy :-)

  2. Great ideas Wendy. I didn't think of sending anything ahead of time, but I'll look into it. I'm off to the dentist next week to get my teeth sorted, but I have always had pretty good teeth which is good. My list is a work in progress so when I think of anything else I'll let you know:) A
