Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I know, last time I said I was going to wrap up "Stuff that works" and let you know about my exciting new idea, but I am going to keep you in suspense. When I wrote the blog "I'm a Clutz", I realised that I have a lot to say about my personal experiences with emergency, and it is really important. I have listed my points.
  1. This point is critical. If you are suffering any symptoms of stroke, heart attack or any other condition that you perceive to be potentially life threatening, don't wait. Call an ambulance or go straight to the closest emergency as soon as possible even if you think it might be nothing. Better to go and be told it's nothing than not go and end up dead.
  2. If you're not sure just go. Even if it isn't life threatening (like my cut finger), better to have a doctor look you over. A small problem now might be a big problem later.
  3. Preparation. Nobody plans to go to emergency, but if you do there are a some things you can do now to make life easier for when you actually need to go. First, you need to know where they are. Time is never a luxury when you need a doctor. If you have to figure out where to go you could waste valuable time which could, at worst, be critical. At best, uncomfortable for who ever needs the doctor. Also, most towns will have more than one option for emergency. It's a good idea to know where they all are.
  4. It is also a good idea to research your options. Some emergencies have a bad reputation, and it's a good idea to know which ones. To find out ask around or keep your eyes on the media. They love a good hospital scandal. Other things that you might want to find out is the level of services available. Some facilities are not equipped to handle all emergencies, and you don't want to turn up to an emergency only to find they can't treat you. You also might want to find out if and how much you have to pay, and what are waiting times like.
  5. Lastly, you might want to get the phone numbers of the local emergencies. If you need to go, but not urgently, a quick call to the various hospitals to find out if they are busy might save you a great deal of time in the waiting room.

Next time it is back to wrap up stuff that works. Until then, stay well:)

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