Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I feel sorry for the students

So tomorrow is my chance to give something back to the medical fraternity that has done so much for me.  I am off to St Vincent's Hospital to be poked, prodded and examined by medical students so an examiner can assess their ability to diagnose my conditions.

In all honesty I pity the poor buggers that have to examine me because out of about 20 students only four will get the privilege. And I am one tough case.  I not only have one but two neurological conditions and a kidney disorder thrown in to boot (but for the purposes of this exam they are only looking at the neurology.

The other reason I feel sorry for them is that there are questions about my diagnosis that even the leading experts with decades of experience can't answer so what hope does a medical student have.  Questions the expert can't answer include the cause of my neuropathy and whether my tremor and neuropathy are related.

It can also be disconcerting hearing what the med students come up with.  I have been sorely misdiagnosed in the past but I have learned to take it with a pinch of salt.  I will promise to let you all know how it goes.  Until then, stay well:)

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