Tuesday, April 3, 2012


In just over three hours I'll be headed off to the hospital to for my PICC line placement.  It is funny how quickly it comes around.  It only seems like the other day I was sitting in the blood centre, watching Ferris Beuler and having my stem cells harvested.  It has been over two weeks since then and now I am on the eve of my first day chemotherapy and only eight days away from my transplant.

I am excited about it because this is the first time I have really been in a position where I can reverse the progression of this ugly disease.  I am also dreading it because four days of chemotherapy and a huge cocktail of other drugs I am sure that I will feel awful.  Lastly, I am worried.  Not so much worried that something will go wrong.  I actually feel very strong and very well prepared so I don't think anything will go wrong.  I am worried it will not work and I have put myself through this whole ordeal, removing myself from my family for two months and risking my life for nothing.

Hopefully the PICC line placement will be more comfortable than the central line catheter placement, but it will be what it will be.  Right now I need to get an hours sleep as I just flew back from DC after spending a wonderful weekend in the capital with an old friend and her family.  But I will tell you about that later.  Until then, stay well:)

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