Monday, October 24, 2011

Dear Julia - the rebuttal

When I wrote to Julia and Nicola about the super clinics I promised to keep you informed as to any correspondence I received back.  And I got something back.

Although I appreciate the quality of the letter (seeing as though I expected very little in reply) I do not agree with everything in it.  For example, in the fifth paragraph Katherine writes "It is intended".  Well, I am afraid that good intentions pave the road to hell and there is a very large difference between intention and practical application and suitability

However, it is debate like this that uncovers the pros and cons of any argument and no matter how big or small the voice it can only work to the betterment of policy.  The letter is attached below.  For now, I think it is time to rewrite to our beloved prime minister and her trusted health minister.  Until next time, stay well:)

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