I hope that my last post gave you a few ideas. This post I will show you a few things that I got to assist me with computer work etc... Hope this helps too.
Below is my MacBook. I love it, and it is safe to say I am an Apple person. But what I want to show you is the stand. It raises the screen up to a much friendlier height which allows you to keep good posture. There is also a tray for putting papers you are using on.
Also in the picture is my first choice pen. It is big, heavy and grippy. There are lots of different styles of pen, but this one is the best for me.

In this next picture is my keyboard. It is adjustable for slope and gap in the middle so you can have it in the most comfortable position. The more comfortable the position of the keyboard, the easier it is to control my tremor. There are many different types of keyboard too, so it is good to get something that is suitable for you.

One thing that is hard about working on most tables when you have a tremor is that there is no where to anchor your elbows. This support that clips on to the edge of the table solves that problem. The blue pads also help raise the my wrists to make it easier too.

Finally, my mouse. This one is on kind of rotated 90 degrees to make it more ergonomic to hold, and also control my tremor. There are many different types of mouse as well, so you can find one that is suitable for you.

Well, I hope that this helps you look in the right direction for all your computing needs. Next time I will look at kitchen aids. Until then, stay well:)